Our Mission

Help teams share and discover the knowledge needed to do their best work, wherever they work.

The wheel, paper, and rockets were all brought to life by connecting thoughts and sharing insights. These connected thoughts have transformed the world as we know it today and will continue to catapult us into the future.

We want to help accelerate innovation by providing teams of all sizes the tools they need to collaborate on research and share insights that help spark their team’s collective imagination.

“Imagination allows us to conceive of delightful future possibilities, pick the most amazing one, and pull the present forward to meet it.” - Jason Silva

Avrio is a Greek word that literally means “Tomorrow”. Come build a better Avrio with us and help pull the present forward to the delightful future possibilities we imagine together!

Our values

Our values guide our behaviour and drive our decisions. We make a habit of recognising one another for embodying them.

Start with trust

We practise radical transparency and believe power is gained by sharing knowledge, not hoarding it. Trust is given and not earned. It’s up to you to keep it.

Love what you do

We know life’s short and the time you’ll spend at Avrio is even shorter. If you’re not having fun, living your best life, and enjoying the work you do, we will help you make a change.

Celebrate diversity

Our customers rely on us to look at problems differently and solve them in simple ways they would never conceive. We cannot do this without diversity in all its shapes and forms.

Own your craft

We are highly curious. We consistently work towards perfecting our craft and becoming masters of our trade. We take pride in our work and aspire to delight our users and team at every touch point.

Embrace the journey

We are uncomfortable with the comfortable and we’re always pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones in order to learn and grow together.

Build for tomorrow

We never optimise for short term gains and we aspire to have a lasting impact tomorrow with what we build today. We're building a better Avrio.

Working at Avrio

We're building a product company and the product that we’re building is our company.

‍We don’t separate ourselves into traditional departments but we rather align ourselves around the jobs-to-be-done of our users and team members

Our metrics keep us honest and earn resources to make an impact. Our results matter more than the hours we work and debates are won with better insights, not bigger job titles.

We truly believe that honest and direct feedback is a valuable tool, and a gift that we give each other to help pave the way in our individual growth paths.

We define our success based on our X-factor, which is our ability to provide an amazing customer, product, and Avrio team member experience. For a star to be born we must excel in all of these 3 areas.

Diversity & inclusion

We aspire to build a company that reflects the diversity of our customers and gives us a global perspective on problem-solving.

We know the best people want to work on the best teams and the best teams are diverse & inclusive teams.

We value diversity in all of its forms and we hire the best person for each role, no matter what their personal background is.

We also don’t believe in empty statements and know this world is not perfect, so we've decided to actively tip the scales where we believe it is fair.

We dedicate our recruitment efforts and advertising budget towards channels that drive more interest and applications from underrepresented minorities whenever possible.


To do your best work, you need to be able to be your best self. Our focus with perks and benefits is to offer everything teammates need to do their best, healthiest work and keep developing their craft.

Learning Budget

It’s not what you know, it’s how you grow. Each team member receives an annual learning & development budget of €500.

Competitive salary

Your earning potential is not restricted by where you live. We strive to pay competitive salaries that have no boundaries.

Work remotely

We provide a 100% remote working environment and all the tools you need to be effective without an office, laptop included.

Home office setup

Each team member receives €500 to set up their home office environment.

Option grants

We provide shared ownership of Avrio and we are all rewarded in our success.

Team retreats

Twice a year we meet up in a new country to catch up, collaborate, and explore new places. (When we can travel safely again).

Workspace allowance

The perks of a real office with the comfort of home. A monthly allowance of €100 to stock up on coffee or work from your local co-working spot.


Time off is critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We offer 40 days off paid leave per year.

Parental leave

Work should help you lead the life you want, that’s why we provide 12 weeks of fully paid parental leave.

We're just getting started

Our culture is being moulded and defined by those that join us.

We are not looking for culture fit, but rather we are
seeking for culture add. Come join us and help mould our company and culture into a place that you would love to work at.


We are a fully remote team, spread across the whole planet. There’s no fancy HQ for any team member or water cooler chats you’ll miss out on. As a member of our team, you are invited to work wherever you're happiest and most productive. Check out our remote positions currently open below.